1. Product category to apply
- All products which Samsung makes and sells, that is,
Tablet, Smartphone, Featurephone
2. The number of sound sources
- Total sound sources must be less than 19 in Tablet or Phone
- Only listed sounds as text on products are counted
3. The effective date
- New models from Galaxy S5, new models are based on local lunching
date in Algeria, not SRA date
- It is not applied for current running models
4. How to select sound sources in Tablet & Smartphone
- Alarms : Default sound + 1st to 2nd sound / 3 sounds in total
- Smart Alarms : Default sound + 1st to 2nd sound / 3 sounds in total
- Notifications : Default sound + 1st to 2nd sound / 3 sounds in total
- Ringtones : Default sound + 1st to 9th sound / 10 sounds in total
※ If default sound is included above guidance scope, i.e, 1st to 2nd,
1st to 9th, you can add the next sound source in each category list
5. How to select sound source in Featurephone
- Alarms : Default sound + 1st to 2nd sound / 3 sounds in total
- Alert : Default sound + 1st to 2nd sound / 3 sounds in total
- Ringtones : Default sound + 1st to 12th sound / 13 sounds in total
※ If default sound is included above guidance scope, i.e, 1st to 2nd,
1st to 12th, you can add the next sound source in each category list
6. Remarks
- The guideline is not mandatory, but recommendation. If we meet an
unexpected technical issue, you can choose another sound as you like
- Silent or Mute is not considered as a sound source, do not count
- If new category is created in the future, the guideline will be updated
- RPM group update all related contents at comment section of MPS system