2) ICG Parameters: The ΔZ and dZ/dt signals obtainedfrom the ICG recording were analyzed to obtain the following ICG parameters, see Table II. More detailed description ofthe dZ/dt signal with its characteristic points and hemodynamicparameters are given in Appendix I. The ICG parameters werecalculated using mainly two ICG characteristic points (X and Bpoint) and the R and Q point on the ECG, by applying a peakdetector trigged by the synchronous R peak of the ECG to detectthe E point in the R-R interval. Thus, the B point was calculatedby using the standard zero crossing method at 15% response onthe dZ/dtmax (E point) waveform [56]. Moreover the X pointwas determined as the minimum value of dZ/dt signal after theE point and before O point [57].The ET, HR and PEP parameter