1 Composition of the electrical system of the ship(1) power station. The ship's power generation system is the most important part of the ship electrical system, which is composed of the original motive, generator, transformer and other related equipment. The power system is used as the original diesel engine, is the ship's power source, power generator, and voltage through the transformer for marine use. Under normal circumstances according to different states of the ship, determine the corresponding power of the power supply, for large ships, for its operations, navigation, berthing, emergency and so on the different state configuration of the different power plants, provided a guarantee to the power supply safety of ships. The ship power station: main power station, providing electricity for the whole ship work; "parking station", to provide electricity in the ship; "emergency power station", to provide emergency power encountered in the ship; "special power", to provide power to the ship on a variety of special equipment, such as radar, transmitter, radio equipment.(2) power network. The power grid on the ship is also an important part of the electrical system, the power of the power station will be stably transmitted to the various electrical equipment. The safety and reliability of power network, a huge role in the stable operation of the ship, the nature of the ship power system determines the power network must ensure safe and reliable power supply, the requirements of key equipment with multi loop power supply, when the transmission line of local damage or grounding, must guarantee the safety of the power supply equipment, at the same time to reduce the influence of fault isolation. Take the fastest measures to deal with the fault. Ship electric network is divided into: "power grid" as the important machinery in ships for power supply, "lighting grid" is responsible for providing the lighting electricity, "weak power grid device" means "emergency", provide emergency power and lighting.2 common faults in the electrical system of ships(1) electrical grounding fault. Electrical grounding fault is the main power line caused by the grounding fault, the ship power line to be pulled, often due to friction force, it is easy to make the insulating sheath line is damaged, cause the insulation level is reduced, the event will cause insulation breakdown fault or short circuit fault, the normal operation of the safety of the ship and the threat people.(2) generator fault. The generator voltage cannot be established in a timely manner, usually because the magnetic field caused by the magnetic loss, you can try to press the button to restore the magnetizing voltage. Generator voltage anomalies, such as sudden pressure loss, voltage fluctuations are too large, may be the generator of the automatic constant voltage excitation device caused by abnormal.(3) the main switchboard fault. The fault generator main switchboard prone: main switchboard trip fault, the main switchboard is not closed fault. The excitation control system failure, provide power in a single generator, voltage generator outlet end is vulnerable to the impact load, often causing conditions cannot meet the voltage matching, excitation control system may be affected.(4) motor fault. The ship motor in operation, often overload phenomenon, the voltage fluctuation will cause great damage to the generator, due to the large load less on the ship, prone to unbalanced situation, because the motor is working for a long time, easy to cause the internal insulation decreased, winding short-circuit occurs, the fault will be accompanied by temperature therefore, the increase, strengthen the monitoring of the temperature of the generator, is an important parameter for the fault diagnosis of generator.