is defined as encouraging students' satisfaction via positive functioning, and psychological<br>I physical well-being. Consequently, students experience higher- quality n<br>which signiicantly improves their classroom engagement and, subsequently, enhances their<br>motivation in leaming. As a result, students gain higher academic achievement (Ryan &<br>17). Reeve (2016) contended that students who receive autonomy support from<br>teachers experience higher-quality motivation and perform better in the classrooms. To<br>, their needs is being satisfied which helps enhance their autonomous mot<br>ragement in the classrooms. In addition, they learn better and seek for optica<br>rather than easy tasks. As a result, they have better psychological and physical well-being,<br>and manifest higher academic achievement (Jang, Kim & Reeve, 2016; Jang, Reeve &<br>Halusic, 2010).<br>Although the benefits of autonomy support are outstanding, there are not many<br>empirical and experimental studies on students' motivation in language learning (Cheng &<br>Domyei, 2007). The number is even less from the perspective of Self-Determination Theory.<br>Only one study by Kaur, Hashim and Noman (2015) was found as an experimental study of<br>providing autonomy support in the English language classroom. Therefore, there is a need for<br>conducting experimental studies on autonomy-supportive teaching and students' motivation<br>in English language classrooms.<br>Regarding the significance of autonomy support, the current study translates this<br>principle into the English language classroom by developing a new model called Autonomy-<br>Supportive English Language Instruction, which integrates six autonomy-supportive<br>instructional behaviors described by Reeve (2016) into English language instruction during<br>lessons, including incorporating the students' perspective, vitalizing inner motivational<br>resources, providing explanatory rationales, acknowledging and accepting negative<br>affectivity, relying on informational, non-pressuring language, and displaying patience. This<br>study aims at exploring the effects of Autonomy-Supportive English Language Instruction on<br>students' motivation in English language classrooms and aimed at investigating students'<br>opinions toward Autonomy-Supportive English Language Instruction.