generations (e.g., grandparents and grandchildren), and the factors that need to be taken intoconsideration when designing games that target players of different generations. Although twoliterature reviews were recently published by other authors in this relatively young field, both of theseaddressed different aspects of this practice. Costa and Veloso [11] performed a review of empiricalstudies focusing on the potential of intergenerational digital game-playing to enhance intergenerationalinteractions, while a literature review conducted by Zhang and Kaufman [12] focused on the ways inwhich intergenerational digital play can facilitate interactions and learning.We structured the results of the review into three different sections. In the first section, we providean overview of the empirical studies included in this review to gain insight into the purposes,methodologies and focus of the most important observations. In the second section, we presenta list of the benefits of intergenerational digital games, identified in these studies. Finally, in thethird section, we provide a summary of the main factors that need to be taken into considerationwhen designing intergenerational digital games, according to the results of the empirical studies wereviewed in this paper.