Ferny Mark 寫信給Steve 告狀,大家翻譯看一下Morning Gents and happy New Year to you both. We have prepared a basic summary of recent complaints regarding MS1409 that we have taken over the hatch recently and these are attached, along with the relevant images captured by the delivery contractors at the time. As you will see, they are almost exclusively claims of no delivery attempt while at home and just as exclusively they have images of cards placed in front doors. I do not know why so many say that there was no delivery attempt when the contractors have clearly gone to the door? The other point of interest is 9 of the 12 complaints relate to just 2 drivers; Ryan and Frank. (Unlike Julie) I don’t want to be he squeaky wheel, but the old adage that there is no smoke without fire makes me think that what Ryan and Frank are doing at these houses in their delivery attempts is not adequate and we have a number of upset people coming in that are getting more and more upset the more it happens. We had Ryan back just after 5pm on Tuesday and right after a complaint from a lady regarding an item she paid express for to get before New Years and then she was carded ‘while home’ and then unable to collect before midday 2nd January – Not happy Jan. When I tried to ask Ryan about what he did in attempting to deliver, he basically indicated that he knocked once and then started writing the card it was only when I prompted if he called out that he then said that he did. I suspect he knocked once and possibly not very loud, wrote the card and left. I note with pleasure that Keala is not significant on the list as she would have been previously, so focused attention can bring improved customer service results. Can I now ask that work be done with Ryan and Frank in the field to ensure that they are taking reasonable steps to get the attention of residents when they are at home?