However, there is no data available
whether the theoretical advantages of MR guidance can be translated into a clinical benefit for patients in comparison with other
modalities of image guidance. Out study is a first attempt to
compare CT-guided and MR-guided RF ablation. In the presented
retrospective study MR-guided RF ablation showed a significant
higher rate of primary technique effectiveness (96.3%) compared
to CT-guided RF ablation (79.3%). Secondary technique effectiveness assessed within 4 months after a facultative second ablation
procedure was without a significant difference between CT guidance (89.7%) and MR guidance (96.3%). We suppose that MR-guided
RF ablation offers a more precise targeting and monitoring leading
to a locally more effective ablation therapy after a single session in
comparison to CT-guided RF ablation. Monitoring by MR imaging
is especially advantageous if overlapping ablations are required to
complete ablation therapy