1. We are sending an example of the shipment in question for you to examine.2. Due to the lack of action on the local level, I have decided to contact you directly.3. At this time, we are awaiting a decision on your part.4. The goods have been stored while we decide what should be done.5. After visiting the store two more times, it seems that the only way to solve this problem is through direct action on your part.6. We have shown a great amount of patience up to now.7. I carefully followed all instructions and was cautious not to make any mistakes.8. When I tried to turn it on, though, nothing happened.9. The salesperson assured me that if I did everything as written in the instructions, I would have no problems.10. The television has been at a repair shop for the last two weeks.11. Although I took it to a repairperson, I have not yet authorized any repairs.12. I was informed that the cost of repairs would exceed NT$5,000.13. I have waited one month for Mr. Long to return my call.14. We cannot sell any of the goods, even at discount prices.15. Two days ago, November 28, Ms. Smith told me that any repairs would have to be done at the regular price.16. After repeated repairs, the problem has come up again.17. Only one week after having my radio returned to me, it malfunctioned again.18. For the last two weeks, I have been using a rented car to travel between home and work.19. The late arrival of your shipment has forced us to buy on the spot market.20. While waiting for your shipment, we have depleted our inventory to a dangerously low level.21. For two weeks now, we have been unable to use our computer system.22. The portion of the shipment that was spoiled has been disposed of.