Ja, schreibe mir einfach eine Wa wann du ankommst am Hbf und welches Gleis, dann bin ich da und hole dich ab. Schade, dann aber viel Spaß beim Rotarytreffen. Dann das nächste Mal, du bist ja länger da....
Yes, I just write a Wa when you arrive at the main station and which track, then I'm there and pick you up. Too bad, but then enjoy Rotary meeting. Then the next time you're there .... more
Yes, just write me a Wa when you arrive at the Hbf and which track, then I'll be there and pick you up. Too bad, but then have fun at the Rotary meeting. Then next time, you're there longer....
Yeah, just text me a wah when you get to the station and what track, and I'll be there to pick you up. Too bad, but have fun at the Rotary Meet. Next time, you'll be here longer...<br>