CVD diamond can be doped, which widens therange of applications of this material, as it becomeselectrically conductive. For a given film thickness, theconductivity of CVD diamond films may vary from 1 ×10−9 Ω−1cm−1, for lightly doped films, to 100 Ω−1cm−1,for heavily doped ones [21]. When heavily doped([B] > 1 × 1020 atoms/cm3), CVD diamond becomesa conducting material or even superconducting atsufficient low temperature (~2K) [21,22]. Accordingly,what determines the conductivity value is going to bethe doping source, the concentration of the relevantdoping element (boron, nitrogen, phosphorusor sulphur) and the location of B atoms withinthe diamond lattice. Boron doping yields p-typesemiconductivity by introducing an acceptor energylevel 0.37 eV above the valence band, while nitrogenor phosphorus doping yield n-type semiconduction[21]. While the latter elements have been reported tosuccessfully dope CVD diamond films, boron exhibitshigher doping efficiency due to its lower chargecarrier activation energy [21].