flower:接下來我們要來自我介紹喔大家認真聽仔細聽喔,還有當我們介紹自己的名字的時候,你們要說hi XXX每個人自我介紹的時候要搭配動作的英文翻譯


flower:接下來我們要來自我介紹喔大家認真聽仔細聽喔,還有當我們介紹自己的名字的時候,你們要說hi XXX每個人自我介紹的時候要搭配動作flower(大頭照+壞人):香蕉、看書、紅色ariel(大頭照+小學生):雞腿、彈吉他、白色peter(大頭照+好奇裝):巧克力、籃球、藍色kiki(大頭照+白袍+棒子)玉米、功夫、黑色(小互動)西瓜遊戲:輸的上台回答答案flower:大家記得我們的介紹嗎?我們要來考考你們喔,答對的就可以有小獎品喔flower:當我說1 2 3舉手,最快的人拿球丟我們的臉,丟到誰就說出他三個特色任何一個喔再丟之前請他們先自我介紹 flower:那接下來我們先來欣賞一段小短劇吧~
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
flower: Next we want from me introduce you listen carefully listen Oh Oh, there when we introduce his name when you say hi XXX <br>when everyone introduce themselves to action with <br>flower (+ bad guys mug shot): banana, reading, red <br>Ariel (primary + mug shot): chicken, guitar, white <br>Peter (+ curious means mug shot): chocolate, basketball, blue <br>Kiki (mug shot in white + + stick) corn, effort, black <br><br>( small interactive) <br>watermelon game: Enter the answer came to answer <br>flower: do you remember our introduction we want to quiz you Oh, the answer will be a small prize Oh? <br>flower: when I say 123 hands, the fastest people throw the ball our face, who will say he threw a three Features aNY Oh <br>please throw before they introduce myself first <br>flower: Next we first come to appreciate that for some small drama it ~
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
Flower: Next we have to come from my introduction Oh we listen carefully, and when we introduce our own name, you have to say hi XXX<br>Everyone introduces themselves with action<br>flower (big picture and bad guy): banana, reading, red<br>ariel (big head photo and schoolboy): chicken legs, playing guitar, white<br>peter (big head photo and curiosity): chocolate, basketball, blue<br>kiki (big head photo , white robe and stick) corn, kung fu, black<br><br>(Small interaction)<br>Watermelon Game: Losing on stage answers<br>Flower: Do you remember our introduction? We're going to test you, oh, the answer can have a small prize Oh<br>Flower: When I say 1 2 3 raise d'itself, the fastest man throws the ball to our face and throws it to anyone who says any of his three features.<br>Ask them to introduce themselves before they lose. <br>Flower: Then let's go and enjoy a short play.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
Flower: next, we're going to introduce ourselves. Listen carefully. And when we introduce our names, you're going to say hi XXX<br>Everyone's self introduction should be accompanied by actions<br>Flower: banana, book, red<br>Ariel (big head photo + primary school students): drumsticks, playing guitar, white<br>Peter: chocolate, basketball, blue<br>Kiki (big head photo + white robe + Bonzi) corn, Kung Fu, black<br>(small interaction)<br>Watermelon game: the loser answers on stage<br>Flower: do you remember our introduction? We are going to test you. If you answer right, you can have a small prize<br>Flower: when I say "1, 2, 3, hands up", the fastest man will throw the ball in our face. Whoever throws the ball will say any one of his three characteristics<br>Please introduce yourself before you lose them<br>Flower: let's enjoy a short play first~<br>
本翻譯工具支援: 世界語, 中文, 丹麥文, 亞塞拜然文, 亞美尼亞文, 伊博文, 俄文, 保加利亞文, 信德文, 偵測語言, 優魯巴文, 克林貢語, 克羅埃西亞文, 冰島文, 加泰羅尼亞文, 加里西亞文, 匈牙利文, 南非柯薩文, 南非祖魯文, 卡納達文, 印尼巽他文, 印尼文, 印度古哈拉地文, 印度文, 吉爾吉斯文, 哈薩克文, 喬治亞文, 土庫曼文, 土耳其文, 塔吉克文, 塞爾維亞文, 夏威夷文, 奇切瓦文, 威爾斯文, 孟加拉文, 宿霧文, 寮文, 尼泊爾文, 巴斯克文, 布爾文, 希伯來文, 希臘文, 帕施圖文, 庫德文, 弗利然文, 德文, 意第緒文, 愛沙尼亞文, 愛爾蘭文, 拉丁文, 拉脫維亞文, 挪威文, 捷克文, 斯洛伐克文, 斯洛維尼亞文, 斯瓦希里文, 旁遮普文, 日文, 歐利亞文 (奧里雅文), 毛利文, 法文, 波士尼亞文, 波斯文, 波蘭文, 泰文, 泰盧固文, 泰米爾文, 海地克里奧文, 烏克蘭文, 烏爾都文, 烏茲別克文, 爪哇文, 瑞典文, 瑟索托文, 白俄羅斯文, 盧安達文, 盧森堡文, 科西嘉文, 立陶宛文, 索馬里文, 紹納文, 維吾爾文, 緬甸文, 繁體中文, 羅馬尼亞文, 義大利文, 芬蘭文, 苗文, 英文, 荷蘭文, 菲律賓文, 葡萄牙文, 蒙古文, 薩摩亞文, 蘇格蘭的蓋爾文, 西班牙文, 豪沙文, 越南文, 錫蘭文, 阿姆哈拉文, 阿拉伯文, 阿爾巴尼亞文, 韃靼文, 韓文, 馬來文, 馬其頓文, 馬拉加斯文, 馬拉地文, 馬拉雅拉姆文, 馬耳他文, 高棉文, 等語言的翻譯.

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