Na und wie soll das jetzt funktionieren? Nicht das sie dann sagen es wird zu teuer...bloß fürs einschicken, müsste ich 30€ bezahlen und ich weiß noch nicht wie hoch dann die ReperaturKosten werden...!!! Mfg
And how should it work now? Not that they then say it is too expensive... just for the return, I would have to pay €30 and white still not how high then the ReperaturKosten will I...! Mfg
Na and how does it work now? Did not they say it is too expensive ... sending just for, I would have to pay € 30 and I do not know how high then the repair costs ... !!! Mfg
how is that supposed to work? not that you say it is too expensive...bloß for performance, i have to pay 50 and i still do not know how high the reperaturkosten...! !! mfg.