One of the aspects of Latin America that you may love is that you are able to bargain for anything——even taxis.
Bargaining for taxis in Latin America is fun and can save you a lot of money.In heavy tourist areas,the rates may go up,but you can still bargain to get a lower price.
The first step is to bargain for a rate before you get into the taxi.
Sometimes,just because you’re a gringo (foreigner)
They will give you a high price.If they do,just say
“I’m a gringo (foreigner) but I’m not a fool”.This
may impress the driver and some will as much as you do.
They enjoy going back and forth bargaining for the best
Next,you can ask how much it really cost .They
Will then give you a lower price,and you can say the following line and start to walk away,“It will be
better if I take another taxi.” As you start to walk away
they will give you a lower price which you can accept.