Around the time the cold war ended Herbert Simon, another Nobel-prize-winning economist and a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence (ai), argued that talking about economies purely in terms of market transactions left a huge amount of what actually goes on in the world unexamined. To make his point he offered up a thought experiment. Suppose an alien intelligence—or, for that matter, the uss Enterprise, going into orbit, as is its wont, around an M-class planet—were to study a strange world with “a telescope which reveals social structures”. Pointed at the Earth, Simon argued, that telescope would show lots of solid green areas with faint interior contours linked by a network of thin red lines. Both colours would be dynamic; new red links would form and old ones perish; some green blobs would grow, others shrivel. Now or then one blob might engulf another.
Around the time the cold war ended Herbert Simon, another Nobel-prize-winning economist and a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence (ai), argued that talking about economies purely in terms of market transactions left a huge amount of what actually goes on in the world unexamined. To make his point he offered up a thought experiment. Suppose an alien intelligence—or, for that matter, the uss Enterprise, going into orbit, as is its wont, around an M-class planet—were to study a strange world with “a telescope which reveals social structures”. Pointed at the Earth, Simon argued, that telescope would show lots of solid green areas with faint interior contours linked by a network of thin red lines. Both colours would be dynamic; new red links would form and old ones perish; some green blobs would grow, others shrivel. Now or then one blob might engulf another.