hallo habe die uhr heute bekommen. war unterm einstellen, aufeinmal reagierte sie nicht mehr. es regiert kein touch mehr die uhr ist stehen geblieben und der seiten knopf geht auch nicht mehr. ich würde sie gern zurück schicken. lg Romina Qual
Hi just got the watch today. was under the set, slender she became unresponsive. It ruled no touch the Watch has stopped and the pages button no longer goes. I would like to return it.LG Romina torment
hi got the clock today. Setting was under, she suddenly became unresponsive. it ruled no longer touch the clock has stopped and the sides button also is no longer. I'd like to send them back. lg spoiled Romina
hello, the pm today. was under the set together was no more. it is not a touch more, the clock is stopped and the pages button is not more. i would like you to send back to the lg romina torment.