I just posted a few major updates inside our corporate
facebook group DONGMEI and thought of emailing
them to you as well...
Kindly take 2 mins and go through them..
1.We are hardly few days away from launching our second Gold product -
FaceBook Shares which will also reward users with gold coins.......
I.e in other words imagine you getting paid gold coins to share someone else FB post,
fanpage etc and imagine you as a advertiser getting 1000's of shares in few $$$ and imagine
7 levels of payout being generated with the sale of the product....
Also the kind of viral effect it can generate is insane and overnight people's page can
have 100's and 1000's and 10's of thousands of shares making them
look like a overnight celebrity.....
This one product alone will be a industry game changer and
will take click intensity to next level.
Stay tuned on this ...
2.Also We have been working very hard behind the scenes on optimizing our
revenue share module.....
The daily revenue which you see right now is a constant and has been taken as an
average figure based on our estimated profits for first 90 days...
But now our tech team is done with integration of highly complex algorithms
which will calculate daily actual revenues of the company and based
on that revenue share will be given and hence it will vary everyday.....
This makes your business look even more legit , even more powerful
and will help you sell Click Intensity to the market place in a much
more authentic manner..
Always remember and make sure to mention this in your videos ,
sales materials , sales presentations that we are a revenue share company
and not a investment company and the profits we pay out to members
are based on actual profits of the company which can vary always on hourly ,
daily and monthly basis.......
3. On the financial side , Automation of Bitcoin payouts like Advcash has
taken a bit longer than expected due to issue's at Coinbase end but
it's almost being sorted as I type and we should be good to go
with that in next 24-48 hours...
STP automated withdrawls are also coming
Paying in through Neteller also coming.....
Paypal limits have been revised back to $100/day/user as anything more
than that puts our paypal account in jeopardy and we are very careful on that........
4. We finally managed to complete first 90 days Since Click Intensity
was launched and what an awesome amazing ride it was....
We for sure had our challenges but thanks to our awesome leadership here in all departments ,
we survived the tough waters where 80 % of the companies
started in our space in last 90 days closed doors ...
At this point in time , all I can say is that we are just getting started
and you have seen nothing yet..
The best is yet to come :-)
Keep hustling , keep making it happen and keep doing that one
thing which is most important i.e sharing the message
of Click Intensity with the world.....
The bigger the team you will build now , in next 90 days , 180 days , 360 days -
more money you will make and potentially retire for life here......
See you on top
Thanks And Regards
Nick Johnson
CEO - ClickIntensity.Com