Properties Cable structure Technical data
ჀStranded, bare copper conductors to
DINVDE0295 cl.2, BS6360 cl.2 and
IEC60228 cl.2
Ⴠ Ⴠ As per IEC60092-353 Colour code
1 core: black
2 cores: brown/blue
3 cores: brown/black/grey
4 cores: blue/brown/black/grey
5 to 24 core cable: all cores black coloured,
printed with numbers, starting in center
with number 1
ჀTemperature range
max. +85 °C conductor temperature
ჀCore insulation of cross-linked polyethylene ჀMin. installation temperature
-10 °C ჀCores stranded in layers with optimal
lay-length ჀNominal voltage
U0/U 0,6/1 kV ჀOuter sheath, Polyolefin basis-compound
ჀMinimum bending radius
approx. 4x cable ø
ჀJacket colour black
ჀApproved by
Germanischer Lloyd, Lloyds Register of
Shipping, American Bureau of Shipping,
Det Norske Veritas, Bureau Veritas, Russian
Maritime Register of Shipping and Registro
Italiano Navale
Flame-test to VDE0472 part804, test
methodC, IEC60332-3 cat.A and
Smoke density to IEC61034 Halogen-free
to 60754-1
Corrosiveness of combustion gases to
ჀFlame retardant according to SOLAS
definition (according to IEC60332-3
categoryA and IEEE45-18.13)
ჀAWG sizes are approximate equivalent
values. The actual cross-section is in mm²
Properties Cable structure Technical dataჀStranded, bare copper conductors toDINVDE0295 cl.2, BS6360 cl.2 andIEC60228 cl.2Ⴠ Ⴠ As per IEC60092-353 Colour code1 core: black2 cores: brown/blue3 cores: brown/black/grey4 cores: blue/brown/black/grey5 to 24 core cable: all cores black coloured,printed with numbers, starting in centerwith number 1ჀTemperature rangemax. +85 °C conductor temperatureჀCore insulation of cross-linked polyethylene ჀMin. installation temperature-10 °C ჀCores stranded in layers with optimallay-length ჀNominal voltageU0/U 0,6/1 kV ჀOuter sheath, Polyolefin basis-compoundჀMinimum bending radiusapprox. 4x cable øჀJacket colour blackჀApproved byGermanischer Lloyd, Lloyds Register ofShipping, American Bureau of Shipping,Det Norske Veritas, Bureau Veritas, RussianMaritime Register of Shipping and RegistroItaliano NavaleჀTestsFlame-test to VDE0472 part804, testmethodC, IEC60332-3 cat.A andIEEE45-18.13Smoke density to IEC61034 Halogen-freeto 60754-1Corrosiveness of combustion gases toIEC60754-2ჀFlame retardant according to SOLASdefinition (according to IEC60332-3categoryA and IEEE45-18.13)NoteჀAWG sizes are approximate equivalentvalues. The actual cross-section is in mm²