The thermodynamic principle and fluid mechanics of "Candle Powered Turbine" are veryinteresting model and topic. This involves paper spirals rotating in a stream of hot air. Reaseach onspiral rotating is used in a variety of fields, including industrial engineering [1, 2], architecturaldesign [3], mechanical engineering [4, 5], even spiral galaxy etc. The rotation of the spiral structureis accompanied by the output of torque. A great deal of research has been done on the maximumtorque, the stability of the output torque, the mechanical properties and structural strength of theequipment under torsion, particularly in the areas of drilling and oil extraction [6-8]. In the realm ofmaritime engineering, Ding et al. modeled and assessed the torque load on a ship hull under theimpact of oblique waves [7], and Song et al. examined the complicated aspects controlling torqueand predicted the turntable torque [6]. Overall, interpolation techniques are frequently employed toundertake continuous complementary processing of discrete torque data for the study of torque. Cubic spline interpolation was used by Du et al. to create a mathematical model for hybrid engineThis preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at: not peer reviewed`torque management [9], while segmented linear interpolation was used by Zhang et al. to create amodel for strain gauge torque sensor temperature compensation