天蝎 Monday Aug 29 2016
A sudden change of plans may disrupt your peace of mind and cause you to worry about what the future might hold. You may have thought your plan was written in stone, but when an unexpected obstacle appears before you, Scorpio, you may have to rethink your strategy. This does not mean you can't still get where you want to go, but you may have to do so by taking a detour. Then again, this might also be a good opportunity for considering other options. You never know until you seek with an open mind.
天蝎 Tuesday Aug 30 2016
Someone's faith in you is steadfast. This person believes in you and does their best to inspire you. However, Scorpio, you may not place a lot of value in that person's view of you because your own lack of confidence in a certain area of your life is so overwhelming. Since you trust and admire this individual, though, you really need to think about that when you are feeling doubtful or lacking in confidence. Draw strength from the encouragement you receive, and choose not to be a doubter.