Am I alone, or do I think the Golden Guard/Hunter is the victim of Stockholm syndrome? I know that technically speaking, he is not a hostage, and Bellows is not the kidnapper, but if you know what I mean, I think the latter's treatment of Hunter is wrong. At the end of Hunting Palismen, we saw what Belos said, "your mission failed. Is this my thanks for taking you in? " Because he adopted him. However, just after Bellows made Hunter feel sorry for himself, he put pressure on him and said he knew Hunter could do better. At this time, you will see Hunter with a reluctant smile on his face. This seems to be a relationship of mental abuse. People with Stockholm syndrome also suffer from insomnia, difficulty in trusting others and confusion. Insomnia can explain GG's bags under his eyes and how desperately he wants to help his adoptive father. Anyway, it is long and may be over-analyzed, but I want to know what other people think of this view.