Every year, at the start of the Bundesliga season, the Dusseldorf-based Media Design School selects Germany's jalkapallo peliasut champion, based on the design, TV-compatibility, cut and material. Together with her students, sports designer and lecturer Martina Becker has chosen the most beautiful lasten peliasut from among the 18 clubs in the league.
To me as a designer, a good jersey must first of all have a good fit. That should by no means be too baggy. A jersey should have a tight fitting cut, but it should not be too oversized. In terms of its function, that would not be desirable at all.
Then, the material plays an important role, too. pelipaita koti tend to be worn a lot, and that's why they need to be functional. As a designer, you're also limited to the colors of the clubs, as well as the sponsors. You have to leave a lot of space on the front side for the sponsors, and on the back side for the number. That's a major challenge. But the sponsor logos need to be integrated into the jersey, while still producing a nice overall design. And I think a jersey should not come across as too playful.
Every year, at the start of the Bundesliga season, the Dusseldorf-based Media Design School selects Germany's jalkapallo peliasut champion, based on the design, TV-compatibility, cut and material. Together with her students, sports designer and lecturer Martina Becker has chosen the most beautiful lasten peliasut from among the 18 clubs in the league. To me as a designer, a good jersey must first of all have a good fit. That should by no means be too baggy. A jersey should have a tight fitting cut, but it should not be too oversized. In terms of its function, that would not be desirable at all.Then, the material plays an important role, too. pelipaita koti tend to be worn a lot, and that's why they need to be functional. As a designer, you're also limited to the colors of the clubs, as well as the sponsors. You have to leave a lot of space on the front side for the sponsors, and on the back side for the number. That's a major challenge. But the sponsor logos need to be integrated into the jersey, while still producing a nice overall design. And I think a jersey should not come across as too playful.

Joka vuosi, alussa Bundesliigan kausi, Düsseldorf-pohjainen median suunnittelu Koulun valitsee Saksan jalkapallo peliasut mestari, joka perustuu suunnitteluun, TV-yhteensopivuus, leikattu ja materiaali. Yhdessä hänen opiskelijoita, urheilu suunnittelija ja opettaja Martina Becker on valinnut kaunein lasten peliasut joukosta 18 seurojen liigassa.
Minulle suunnittelijana, hyvä pelipaita on ensin on hyvä istuvuus. Että pitäisi missään nimessä olla liian väljät. Jersey pitäisi olla tyköistuva leikkaus, mutta se ei saisi olla liian ylimitoitettu. Mitä sen toiminto, joka ei ole toivottavaa lainkaan.
Sitten materiaali on tärkeä rooli myös. pelipaita koti yleensä kulunut paljon, ja siksi niiden on oltava toimiva. Koska suunnittelija, olet myös rajoitettu värit klubeja sekä sponsorit. Sinun täytyy jättää paljon tilaa etupuolelle varten sponsoreita, ja takana puolella numero. Se on suuri haaste. Mutta sponsori logot on sisällytettävä Jersey, kun taas tuottaa edelleen mukava yleinen suunnittelu. Ja luulen pelipaita pitäisi ole törmännyt liian leikkisä.