Human beings are wired to pay attention to anything useful or anything new and different. Human beings also tend to form their opinions based on first impressions, and first impressions tend to be lasting impressions. So you generally have only one chance to introduce a new product or company or business and to introduce it correctly. The news value of what you have to say makes it more likely that people will pay attention to your message, which gives you a greater return on investment
(ROI) on your marketing communications investment.In direct mail, headlines that begin with”new,””now,””announcing,”and”introducing”tend to get above-average sales response. Make sure,though, that your product has something truly new and different. If you say it is “new”when it’s not, you are teaching people not to believe your future communications. Make sure also that what is new is also important and visible to your customers. Sometimes technical breakthroughs are invisible to the consumer or are unimportant. Make sure your customers understand what you are selling, why it’s new, and why they should care. Since you only have one chance to launch a new product, it pays to err on the higher side of investment.