1) files with the extension (.pcapng) are capture network traffic!(See my first emails (23 oct 2014),
everything was filled in (see file "Schema Test NT8220.jpg))
they must be open with the "Wireshark" software
(I use the following version: Wireshark - win32-1.12.1.exe).
These are not images (PNG, JPG or TIF) !!!
2) I do not think it's a problem of sequence ESC/POS but a failing network traffic management ,
please ask your engineer to check thoroughly the file named " CN_8220_Problem.pcapng "
because there are several lines with default network in the traffic between the POS and printer and this is not the case with BIXOLON !!!
(and also ORIENT ,STAR Printer , SAM4S )
Compare two files ( .pcapng ) you'll see the difference!
3) Ask your engineer has also if the sequence ESC/POS " 1D 56 31 " pose a problem to your printer.
Thank you enormously for your commitment to my problem , you are a super vraiments firm , very professional . kind regards