hello, everyone especially the president of the condomininum, please take note about the younger driver of the shuttle Bus, next time he treats any of my family members as they were going to jail, or driving like escaping from hell or denying exiting when they así for stop and driving irresponsibly or denying any of the stops of the Carrefour or in B stopes I will climb myself to the bus and make him come to reason, this guys is got me already on top of my head and very angry, this is the last time he does anything thing like this to us, you can get him fired or I will get him fired, next time I will be the last time, he works for me and he should drive prudently and carefully and be considerate and kindly with all of the people who pays his salary, so if you don’t want him in any trouble ask him to be nice to all of us, if he decides not to, I will ... and I don’t care.... so make sure he comes to reason.