The relative uptake rate (RUR) of N of AMF+ plants was significantly higher than AMF plants(Tables 4 and 5). N relative uptake rate of both; AMF+ and AMF plants was gradually andsignificantly reduced due to raised salinity, but it always remained higher in AMF+ plants (Table 5).It was significantly higher than AMF plants at non saline and moderate saline conditions and even,under severe salinity N relative uptake rate of AMF+ plant was at the same statistical group withAMF plants under no saline condition (Table 5).3.3. Leaf Nutrient Concentration and Relative Uptake Rate (RUR)Salt stress resulted in lower content of most tested elements in leaves of tomato seedlings, shortlyafter transplanting (DAS 3037; Tables S1 and S2). Na concentration and total content in tomatoleaf tissue significantly increased under salinity stress (Table S2). Inoculation with AMF spores ledto significantly higher contents of K, Ca, Mg, P and Fe ions in tomato leaf tissue under non-salineconditions, as well as significantly higher Ca and Fe ion contents under moderate salinity (Tables S1and S2). Significant reductions in mineral contents of leaves were observed between non saline andmoderately saline conditions for most elements, while severe salinity caused a significant furtherreduction of K and Ca (Table S2). No significant influence of AMF inoculation was found regardingthe leaf content of most of elements under severe salt stress.