The Fairfax County Public Schools Elementary Language through Content (LTC) program emphasizes learning a target language through content-related concepts. Content that students experience in the general curriculum is used as a vehicle to learn a target language. The source of content in the LTC program highlights and reinforces concepts from the Science Program of Studies. In addition, the LTC Program of Studies includes Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) skills. STEAM is based on student driven inquiry and problem solving investigations. Combining such skills with language learning will provide a unique way for students to acquire a target language while preparing them with the 21st century skills needed to become successful global citizens. The LTC Program of Studies will also include a comprehensive focus for instruction that will allow for a student-centered, problem-based interdisciplinary instructional model. Students will not only learn to communicate in the target language, but they will do so with the cultural knowledge necessary to interact in appropriate ways.