Hallo, beim Kauf gab es keinerlei Hinwies von Ihrer Seite. dass die Lieferung erst nach 2 Monaten (!) erfolgt. Ich bitte Sie dringend um unverzügliche Auslieferung und kurzfristige Antwort auf diese Anfrage. Danke. Mit freundlichem Gruss Andreas Haemmerl
Hellowas at the time of purchase it no pointed out by your side. that the delivery is made only after 2 months (!).I urge you to immediate delivery and short-term response to this request.Thank you. Yours sincerelyAndreas Haemmerl
Hello, the purchase, there was no pointing of your page. that the supply only after 2 months carried out (!). I urge you to immediate delivery and short-term response to this request. Thank you. Yours sincerely Andreas Hämmerl
hello,the purchase was not referred to by their side. the delivery only after 2 months. is carried out.i urge you to immediate delivery and short-term answer to this question.thank you. with a friendly greetingandreas haemmerl