FIRST SHEPHERD:Who is that pypys so poore?MAK:Wold God ye wyst how I foore!Lo, a man that walkys on the moore,And has not all his wyll!SECOND SHEPHERD:Mak, where has thou gon? Tell us tythyng.THIRD SHEPHERD:Is he commen? then ylkon take hede to his thyng.MAK:What! ich be a yoman, I tell you, of the king;The self and the same, sond from a great lordyng,And sich.Fy on you! goyth henceOut of my presence!I must have reverence;Why, who be ich?FIRST SHEPHERD:Why make ye it so qwaynt? Mak, ye do wrang.SECOND SHEPHERD:Bot, Mak, lyst ye saynt? I trow that ye lang.THIRD SHEPHERD:I trow the shrew can paynt; the Devyll myght hym hang!MAK:Ich shall make complaynt and make you all to thwangAt a worde,And tell evyn how ye doth.FIRST SHEPHERD:Bot, Mak, is that sothe?Now take outt that sothren tothe,And sett in a torde!