6.1 provision of resources6.1.1 shall determine and provide the necessary resources (human resources, infrastructure, work environment), to ensure that: A) to implement and maintain the quality management system and continually improving its effectiveness;B) by meeting customer requirements, enhancing customer satisfaction.6.1.2 functions according to the needs, resource allocation applications submitted, after approval by the leadership and the Department of human resources, by the departments responsible for approving applications for allocation of resources to resource use should maintain the resources, maintenance, make full and effective use of resources.6.2 human resources6.2.1 General provisionsCompany based on the appropriate educational background, those who have received training, skills and experience, personnel performing work affecting conformity to product requirements under the necessary education, training, skills, experience and capabilities.6.2.2 competence, training and awarenessCompanies of the preparation of the program of human resources and the job description. Provides for the following:A) defines the qualification requirements of the position, according to the position of human resources Department of education, skill and experience requirements, recruitment, selection of the staff, to ensure that you meet the job requirements and competent;B) where applicable, provide training or take other actions to obtain the required qualifications;C) evaluation of training results or take other measures of effectiveness;D) through training, advocacy and other means to ensure that employees recognize the relevance and importance of the activities undertaken by as well as how to contribute to the achievement of the quality objectives;E) maintain appropriate records of education, training, skills and experience.6.3 infrastructure6.3.1 in order to achieve conformity to product requirements, companies need to identify, provide the following infrastructure:A) plant, premises, Office space and associated facilities;B) development, production, testing, installation and service of equipment, equipment (hardware and software);C) support services, such as transportation facilities, communication equipment, computer information systems, and so on.6.3.2 prepare a production equipment control procedure and the control procedure, the management of information systems technology and equipment, the relevant departments according to the mandate of the Department, in accordance with the documentation requirements, maintenance of the above infrastructure.6.4 work environmentCompanies need to determine and manage the work environment needed to achieve conformity to product requirements, including:A) maintain appropriate temperature and humidity in the workplace, and provide the necessary lighting;B) against Sun, rain and damp;C) configuration required ventilation, fire-fighting equipment;D) workshop for set management and production.