CFRP sheets were cut to the proper length with a band saw.
For the specimen retrofitted with one layer, a pair of 75-mm-wide,
3.95-m-long CFRP sheets was placed side by side and bonded to
a 171-mm-wide tension flange. For the specimen retrofitted with
three layers, three pairs of CFRP sheets were cut to 3.95, 3.65,
and 3.35 m long ~150 mm staggers ! and placed side by side on the
steel girder. For the specimen retrofitted with five layers, CFRP
sheets were cut to the lengths of 3.95, 3.80, 3.65, 3.50, and 3.35
m ~75 mm staggers!. The ends of the sheets were finished
smoothly using grid 150 sandpaper. The surfaces of the sheets
were sand blasted with No. 30 sand, then washed with saline
solution and rinsed with fresh water. After drying of the sheets,
for multiple layer systems, the surfaces of the sheets were covered
with thick layers of epoxy and were squeezed together to force the air bubbles and the excess epoxy out. Binder clips were used
in close intervals for securing the edges of the sheets together.