Hey, Cindy:
is received from the customer quality feedback, we immediately check the warehouse and all WIP, no in warehouse and production line unit.
after and our group discussion, we found the reason as follows:
1) HIV-1171 consists of two different types of cardboard, but only one type, 1 sets of HIV-1171 consists of 3 large and 4 small cardboard cardboard. When the line application materials to the warehouse, material application only shows how many sets of HIV-1171, but did not show large cardboard and cardboard each need how much a little. In an PO 10082 HIV-1171 materials, the warehouse keeper made a mistake,She thought that the 1 sets of HIV-1171 material containing 3 large and 3 small cardboard cardboard, so she sent the wrong of the small number of paperboard, which means small cardboard enough.
2) when production pull received sent to the warehouse HIV-1171 material, she didn't know the big board and the small board each need how many, she just confirmed the number of sets of material on the label is correct, and then she put HIV-1171 into the box but not confirmed the number of big and small paper cardboard the respective. Corrective action is the following:
1) we get HIV-1171 by a part number changed to two part number, part number big board is HIV-117101,Part number small cardboard is HIV-117102. when the line application materials to the warehouse, material requisition will display the number of HIV-117101 and HIV-117102 is the number of a demand. The warehouse manager only needs to press the material requisition on the volume of distribution can be.
2) when production pull received sent to the warehouse HIV-117101 and HIV-117102, she will confirm whether consistent with real quantity on the label, and then and then she put HIV-117101 and HIV-117102 into the box.