La-Rong Wuming Buddhist Academy: September 13, 2015 in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Seda County, Sichuan province. La-Rong Wuming Buddhist Academy, also known as Seda Buddhist Institute, is the "world's first" size of the Buddhist Institute. The monks here are spectacular, thousands of Tibetan magenta cottage stretches for a few kilometres, surrounded by several magnificent temples and Temple, forms a spectacular small mountain town, a huge battle often make initial Seda who stunned, any photo it is difficult to express a real shock. This is practice for thousands of years the monks built up mountain wonders, in a period full of piety and religion. Tens of thousands of monks living here and juemu (women Yogi), wearing a Crimson-robed monks came and went, everyone's face is filled with quiet, no worries. Each case of Buddhist law, the number will increase up to up to more than 40,000 people. Bounded by central mosque, is a Lama's territory on the slope, down live at night, and there are some restaurants and shops next to the Hall. Fast of the Buddhist temple at noon, you can try free food at a temple, can also go to the Han who turned up in chanting of the liturgy and experience the feeling. At dusk, also you can see many of the old Lamas and juemu from the foot of water to the Buddhist temple, the scene is moving. Whether you are here for the photography or come to learn more about Tibetan Buddhism, would get here, feel pious and shock.