There also are several important methodological issues that need to be taken into account in future research. First, it is clear from both Tables 4a and 4b that common method variance has a substantial impact on the relationships between OCBs/contextual performance and criterion variables like performance evaluations. Although it has not been studied, it is likely that common method variance also has biased the observed relationships between OCBs and their antecedents in those studies where both the OCBs and the antecedent variables were obtained from the same source . This suggests that future research needs to take steps to control the contaminating effects of common method variance. There are several possible ways this could be accomplished. One is a statistical form of control, which involves adding a first-order method construct to the hypothesized latent variable structural equation model . Another way to control for this bias is by designing the study so that the measures of the predictor and criterion variables are obtained from different sources . However, regardless of which of these techniques of control is used, the important point is that some method of controlling for this bias must be used.