The purpose of this study is to formulate the promotion design strategies of Banyumas batik characteristic for improve competitiveness and preserve the Banyumas batik characteristic. This study using qualitative research with objectives are related person with effort to promote batik banyumasan. Informers were selected by purposive sampling. The data was analyzed by Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) analysis and interactive analysis.The location of study was conducted in BALINGMASCAKEB area include fives regency: Banyumas, Purbalingga, Banjarnegara, Kebumen and Cilacap regency with consideration is the batik that produced has same characteristic of Banyumas primary design which highlight more themes of nature and the colors are dominated with Black and Brown.The results of study indicated that each regency has a variety of different batik design with a diversity of different philosophies and history that reflects the culture and local wisdom in each regency. Although it has different motive design, however each regency has same coloring that emphasizes with Brown and Black.Related with promotion strategies, this study found that the promotion activities carried out by craftsmen give effect to the sale of batik banyumasan because most of craftsmen still used promotion strategy through exhibitions and personal selling. Online promotion strategies that use website application can be an alternative marketing strategy to promote their products with wider coverage and lower cost.