



Chapter1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction



因此公司建立審計委員會領導的內部審計,進一步發揮作用,通過內部審計,不但能診斷病因,提出完善的公司治理結構,可加強經營者的審計,提高審計質量,拓寬審計覆蓋面,提高內審人員質數等對策。 還可以提出有效建議,幫助公司平穩過渡。

1.2 Aims and objectives
於2002年4月IIA對美國國會關於《Sarbanes-Oxley Act》的意見陳述中提出,公司治理的四大基石為內部審計,外部審計,董事會以及高層管理人員。正式將內部審計及外部審計一起提上了公司治理的有效高度,並看作是公司治理問題中必不可少的組成部分。大大強調公司治理活動在審計職能中的重要地位及作用。2007年始於美國席卷全球的金融危機更是掀起了國內外專家、學者以及實務界對公司治理研究的新高潮。




Chapter1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction



因此公司建立審計委員會領導的內部審計,進一步發揮作用,通過內部審計,不但能診斷病因,提出完善的公司治理結構,可加強經營者的審計,提高審計質量,拓寬審計覆蓋面,提高內審人員質數等對策。 還可以提出有效建議,幫助公司平穩過渡。

1.2 Aims and objectives
於2002年4月IIA對美國國會關於《Sarbanes-Oxley Act》的意見陳述中提出,公司治理的四大基石為內部審計,外部審計,董事會以及高層管理人員。正式將內部審計及外部審計一起提上了公司治理的有效高度,並看作是公司治理問題中必不可少的組成部分。大大強調公司治理活動在審計職能中的重要地位及作用。2007年始於美國席卷全球的金融危機更是掀起了國內外專家、學者以及實務界對公司治理研究的新高潮。


原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
审计在公司治理的作用Abstract随着经济全球化的发展,市场竞争日趋激烈,公司治理和内部审计成为两大理论和实务热点问题,人们试图通过内部审计对公司治理的监督和咨询作用,来降低经营风险,促进企业可持续发展和提高投资回报。 本文对内部审计对公司治理理论基础着手,探讨了二者之间的双向关系,分析了内部审计现状和制约因素,并提出了提高内部审计的独立性和权威性、采用先进的审计方法等改善建议。 本文采用理论分析并结合实际案例进行研究,并香港东亚银行为例子,在介绍其内部审计先进经验的基础上,重点突出了其内部审计的创新与特点以及带给我们的启示,并展望了内部审计与公司治理在未来时代的互动。Chapter1: Introduction1.1 Introduction公司的发展就如人的成长一样,会经历成长期,发展期,稳定期及衰退期。 在成长过程中难免会产生意外。 如公司生病了该怎么办? 看什么医生?答案就是:找公司的医生﹣内部审计。内部审计就像一公司的内部医生,为公司找出内部不健,不诚实,不正常及偏离公司政策的行为.又像一位外科医生,通过提出一些有效的建议,实行动,为公司动手术,切去不良的部分,更像一位保健医生,为公司提出一些预防的方法,降低受感染及受伤的风险,防患于未然。如何进行管理,在制度体系和协议旨在确保问责制和健全的道德方面。 这个概念涵盖了各种问题,包括信息披露对股东和董事会成员,高级管理人员的报酬,经理和董事,监事会结构等之间的潜在利益冲突。因此公司建立审计委员会领导的内部审计,进一步发挥作用,通过内部审计,不但能诊断病因,提出完善的公司治理结构,可加强经营者的审计,提高审计质量,拓宽审计覆盖面,提高内审人员质数等对策。 还可以提出有效建议,帮助公司平稳过渡。1.2 Aims and objectives审计来源于拉丁文听帐人的名词“Auditus“。 在古罗马,采用了“听证帐见“的办法,即一个记账人员与另一位人员的记录以口头验证的方法进行核对,以防止负责财务的人员欺诈。 2002年世界通信会计等丑闻和之前2001年美国安然天然气公司事件的爆发的双重冲击下,对美国乃至全球经济造成了难以估量的冲击,由此催生了美国《萨班斯——奥克斯利》法案的出台,Gramling等(2004)指出,尽管萨班斯法案并没有直接涉及内部审计在公司治理中的作用,但对审计委员会、外部审计人员及管理层治理要求的扩展, 意味着内部审计作用也要扩展。 随着股份制这种集中和聚集资本的有效形式的兴起以及跨国公司的不断涌现,企业的管理层次愈发覆杂,竞争也愈发激烈,大部分大中型企业,尤其是上市公司,纷纷成立了审计委员会和相应的内部审计机构,用以规避公司治理风险、加强企业管理、完善公司治理框架、实现经营目标。于2002年4月IIA对美国国会关于《Sarbanes-Oxley Act》的意见陈述中提出,公司治理的四大基石为内部审计,外部审计,董事会以及高层管理人员。 正式将内部审计及外部审计一起提上了公司治理的有效高度,并看作是公司治理问题中必不可少的组成部分。 大大强调公司治理活动在审计职能中的重要地位及作用。 2007年始于美国席卷全球的金融危机更是掀起了国内外专家、学者以及实务界对公司治理研究的新高潮。内部审计是一个是提高公司整体效益的部门之一,根据董事会的要求,对全公司进行审核及监控。 内部审核除了贯穿公司内部之外,也接触公司的中央架构,如风险管理,法律范畴,人力资源及财务部等等部门。 通过审计人员的专业知识禾审计的专业法则,确保公司目标的过程中,尽量避免发生漏控,失控,无控的情况。 内部审计工作不但对财务上进行审核,对公司在运作过程中进行审核监督,提出有效建议,使公司能利用资源,减少浪费,避免功能重复。 对一些活动进行风险评估,降低公司承受的风险。国际内部审计师协会说(IIA)于1944年在美国由25位内部审计师成立,发展至今己有7万以上的会员的国际性专业组织。审计在公司治理的作用Abstract随着经济全球化的发展,市场竞争日趋激烈,公司治理和内部审计成为两大理论和实务热点问题,人们试图通过内部审计对公司治理的监督和咨询作用,来降低经营风险,促进企业可持续发展和提高投资回报。 本文对内部审计对公司治理理论基础着手,探讨了二者之间的双向关系,分析了内部审计现状和制约因素,并提出了提高内部审计的独立性和权威性、采用先进的审计方法等改善建议。 本文采用理论分析并结合实际案例进行研究,并香港东亚银行为例子,在介绍其内部审计先进经验的基础上,重点突出了其内部审计的创新与特点以及带给我们的启示,并展望了内部审计与公司治理在未来时代的互动。Chapter1: Introduction1.1 Introduction公司的发展就如人的成长一样,会经历成长期,发展期,稳定期及衰退期。 在成长过程中难免会产生意外。 如公司生病了该怎么办? 看什么医生?答案就是:找公司的医生﹣内部审计。内部审计就像一公司的内部医生,为公司找出内部不健,不诚实,不正常及偏离公司政策的行为.又像一位外科医生,通过提出一些有效的建议,实行动,为公司动手术,切去不良的部分,更像一位保健医生,为公司提出一些预防的方法,降低受感染及受伤的风险,防患于未然。如何进行管理,在制度体系和协议旨在确保问责制和健全的道德方面。 这个概念涵盖了各种问题,包括信息披露对股东和董事会成员,高级管理人员的报酬,经理和董事,监事会结构等之间的潜在利益冲突。因此公司建立审计委员会领导的内部审计,进一步发挥作用,通过内部审计,不但能诊断病因,提出完善的公司治理结构,可加强经营者的审计,提高审计质量,拓宽审计覆盖面,提高内审人员质数等对策。 还可以提出有效建议,帮助公司平稳过渡。1.2 Aims and objectives审计来源于拉丁文听帐人的名词“Auditus“。 在古罗马,采用了“听证帐见“的办法,即一个记账人员与另一位人员的记录以口头验证的方法进行核对,以防止负责财务的人员欺诈。 2002年世界通信会计等丑闻和之前2001年美国安然天然气公司事件的爆发的双重冲击下,对美国乃至全球经济造成了难以估量的冲击,由此催生了美国《萨班斯——奥克斯利》法案的出台,Gramling等(2004)指出,尽管萨班斯法案并没有直接涉及内部审计在公司治理中的作用,但对审计委员会、外部审计人员及管理层治理要求的扩展, 意味着内部审计作用也要扩展。 随着股份制这种集中和聚集资本的有效形式的兴起以及跨国公司的不断涌现,企业的管理层次愈发覆杂,竞争也愈发激烈,大部分大中型企业,尤其是上市公司,纷纷成立了审计委员会和相应的内部审计机构,用以规避公司治理风险、加强企业管理、完善公司治理框架、实现经营目标。于2002年4月IIA对美国国会关于《Sarbanes-Oxley Act》的意见陈述中提出,公司治理的四大基石为内部审计,外部审计,董事会以及高层管理人员。 正式将内部审计及外部审计一起提上了公司治理的有效高度,并看作是公司治理问题中必不可少的组成部分。 大大强调公司治理活动在审计职能中的重要地位及作用。 2007年始于美国席卷全球的金融危机更是掀起了国内外专家、学者以及实务界对公司治理研究的新高潮。内部审计是一个是提高公司整体效益的部门之一,根据董事会的要求,对全公司进行审核及监控。 内部审核除了贯穿公司内部之外,也接触公司的中央架构,如风险管理,法律范畴,人力资源及财务部等等部门。 通过审计人员的专业知识禾审计的专业法则,确保公司目标的过程中,尽量避免发生漏控,失控,无控的情况。 内部审计工作不但对财务上进行审核,对公司在运作过程中进行审核监督,提出有效建议,使公司能利用资源,减少浪费,避免功能重复。 对一些活动进行风险评估,降低公司承受的风险。国际内部审计师协会说(IIA)于1944年在美国由25位内部审计师成立,发展至今己有7万以上的会员的国际性专业组织。
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
Audit in the role of corporate governance

with the development of economic globalization, the market competition is increasingly fierce, corporate governance and internal audit has become the hot issue of the two major theoretical and practical issues, people try to reduce the risk through internal audit of corporate governance and advisory role, to promote sustainable development of enterprises and improve investment returns. In this paper, the internal audit of corporate governance theory based on the hand, to explore the two-way relationship between the two, analysis of internal audit status and constraints, and proposed to improve the independence and authority of internal audit, the use of advanced audit methods and other improvements.This paper uses theoretical analysis and practical case study, and the East Bank of Hongkong as an example, on the basis of introducing the advanced experience of internal audit, the focus of its internal audit innovation and characteristics, and brings us enlightenment, and looks forward to the internal audit and corporate governance in the future era of interaction. The development of Introduction
1.1 Introduction

Chapter1: company will be the same as the growth of people, will be through the growth period, the development period, the stable period and the recession period. In the process of growth will inevitably produce an accident. What if the company is sick? See what the doctor? The answer is: find the company's doctor - internal audit.

The internal audit as a company doctor, to identify companies inside is not healthy, dishonest, do not deviate from the normal and company policy behavior. And as a surgeon, by putting forward some effective suggestions, action, operation for the company, cut off the bad part, more like a health care practitioner, puts forward some methods the prevention for the company, to reduce the risk and injury infection, nip in the bud.

how to manage in the system and protocol to ensure accountability and sound moral. This concept covers a variety of issues, including information disclosure to shareholders and the board of directors, senior management remuneration, managers and directors,Potential conflicts of interests between the structure of the board of supervisors. Therefore,

establish the internal audit audit committee leadership, further play a role through internal audit, can not only diagnose the cause, put forward a sound corporate governance structure, can enhance operator audit, improve audit quality, broaden the audit coverage, improve internal audit staff and other prime countermeasures. Can also make effective recommendations to help companies smooth transition. Aims and objectives

1.2 audit comes from the Latin word "Auditus" ". In ancient Rome, the use of the "hearing the bill, see the way,That is, the record of an accounting personnel and other personnel to check the method of oral verification, to prevent the personnel responsible for financial fraud. 2002 World Communications accounting and other scandals and before the outbreak of the 2001 U.S. Enron gas company event, the United States and the global economy has caused immeasurable impact, which gave birth to the United States, Sarbanes - Oxley, Gramling, etc. (2004) pointed out that although the Sarbanes bill does not directly involve the internal audit in corporate governance, but the audit committee, external auditors and management requirements of the expansion,Means that the internal audit function is also to expand. With the rise of the stock system and the effective form of the capital, the management level of the enterprise is growing, the competition is fierce, most of the large and medium-sized enterprises, especially listing Corporation, have set up the audit committee and the corresponding internal audit institutions to avoid corporate governance risk, strengthen enterprise management, improve corporate governance framework, achieve business objectives. In April 2002, IIA proposed the U.S. Congress on the "Act Sarbanes-Oxley", the four major cornerstone of corporate governance for internal audit, external audit,Board of directors and senior management. Formal internal audit and external audit together with the effective height of corporate governance, and as an essential part of corporate governance issues. Greatly emphasize the important position and function of corporate governance in audit function. The financial crisis that began in 2007 in the United States is a new upsurge in the study of corporate governance in the domestic and foreign experts, scholars and practitioners. Internal audit is one of the departments to improve the overall effectiveness of the company, according to the board of directors of the company for audit and monitoring. Internal audit, in addition to the company's internal,Also contact the company's central structure, such as risk management, legal category, human resources and finance department and so on. Through the professional knowledge and professional knowledge of audit staff, to ensure the process of the company's objectives, as far as possible to avoid leakage control, out of control, no control of the situation. The internal audit work not only to audit the financial audit, the company in the process of operation and supervision, put forward effective suggestions, so that the company can use of resources, reduce waste, avoid repeat function. Risk assessment for some activities, reduce the risk of the company.

The International Institute of internal auditors (IIA) in the United States in 1944 in the United States by the establishment of 25 internal auditors, the development has been more than 70 thousand of the members of the international professional organization.


audit role in corporate governance with the development of economic globalization, the increasingly fierce market competition, corporate governance and internal audit has become the two major theoretical and practical issues, people try to use the internal audit on corporate governance supervision and consultation, to reduce business risk, promote the sustainable development of enterprises and improve the return on investment. In this paper, the internal audit of corporate governance theory based on the hand,This study discussed the relationship between the two, analyzed the current situation of internal audit and control factors, and proposed the improvement of the internal audit independence and authority, the use of advanced audit methods and so on. This paper uses theoretical analysis and practical case study, and the East Bank of Hongkong as an example, on the basis of introducing the advanced experience of internal audit, the focus of its internal audit innovation and characteristics, and brings us enlightenment, and looks forward to the internal audit and corporate governance in the future era of interaction. The development of Introduction
1.1 Introduction

Chapter1: is like the growth of people, will be through the growth period,Development period, stable period and decline period. In the process of growth will inevitably produce an accident. What if the company is sick? See what the doctor? The answer is: find the company's doctor - internal audit. As a company's internal audit, internal doctors to identify companies inside is not healthy, dishonest, do not deviate from the normal and company policy behavior. And as a surgeon, by putting forward some effective suggestions, action, operation for the company, cut off the bad part, more like a health care practitioner, proposed method some prevention for the company, to reduce the risk and injury infection, nip in the bud. How to manage,In the institutional system and agreements aimed at ensuring accountability and sound ethics. This concept covers a variety of issues, including information disclosure to shareholders and board members, senior management remuneration, managers and directors, the structure of the board of supervisors and other potential conflicts of interest. Therefore,

establish the internal audit audit committee leadership, further play a role through internal audit, can not only diagnose the cause, put forward a sound corporate governance structure, can enhance operator audit, improve audit quality, broaden the audit coverage, improve internal audit staff and other prime countermeasures. Can also make effective recommendations to help companies smooth transition.

Aims and objectives

1.2 audit comes from the Latin word "Auditus" ". In ancient Rome, the use of the "hearing the bill," the way, that is, a bookkeeping staff and another staff to check the records of the method of oral verification, to prevent the charge of financial fraud. The 2002 world communication accounting scandal and before the 2001 outbreak of Enron gas company in the event the dual impact, caused incalculable impact on the United States and the global economy, which led to the creation of the "Sarbanes - Oxley" bill, Gramling (2004) pointed out,Although the Sarbanes act does not directly address the role of internal audit in corporate governance, but the audit committee, external auditors and management requirements of the expansion, meaning that the internal audit function is also to expand. With the rise of the stock system and the effective form of the capital, the management level of the enterprise is growing, the competition is fierce, most of the large and medium-sized enterprises, especially listing Corporation, have set up the audit committee and the corresponding internal audit institutions to avoid corporate governance risk, strengthen enterprise management, improve corporate governance framework, achieve business objectives.
In April 2002 IIA proposed the United States Congress on the "Act Sarbanes-Oxley" in the comments, the four major cornerstone of corporate governance for internal audit, external audit, the board of directors and senior management. Formal internal audit and external audit together with the effective height of corporate governance, and as an essential part of corporate governance issues. Greatly emphasize the important position and function of corporate governance in audit function. The financial crisis that began in 2007 in the United States is a new upsurge in the study of corporate governance in the domestic and foreign experts, scholars and practitioners.
Internal audit is one of the departments to improve the overall effectiveness of the company, according to the board of directors of the company for audit and monitoring. Internal audit in addition to the company's internal, also contact the company's central structure, such as risk management, legal areas, human resources and finance department and so on. Through the professional knowledge and professional knowledge of audit staff, to ensure the process of the company's objectives, as far as possible to avoid leakage control, out of control, no control of the situation. Internal audit work not only on the financial audit, the company in the operation process of audit and supervision, put forward effective suggestions, so that the company can use resources, reduce waste,Avoid repeat function. Risk assessment for some activities, reduce the risk of the company.

International Institute of internal auditors (IIA) said on 1944 in the United States by the 25 internal auditor establishment, development has been more than 70 thousand members of the international professional organization.

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