、 萨巫 尔
一 沃尔夫假说折射出的语 言与文化的关系
语言是文 化的一 个特殊组成部分
, 语言和文化是 同步产
生 的
, 没有语言
, 文化也不能存在
, 也就 是说
, 没有语言就 没
有 文化
, 语言是文 化形成与发展的前提条件
, 有了语言才 会
, 文化 的发展也促进 了语言的发展
。 人类
通过语言 的使用而创造 文化
, 反过来
, 文化也影响 了人类 并
促使人类不 断进步
一 语言与文化 有很 多共性
, 语言是文化的一部分
ThreeSA witchThe relationship between language and culture reflected by the Wolf hypothesisLanguage is a special part of culture.Language and culture are synchronized.raw, no language.Culture can not existThat is, that is to say, no language is not.literateLanguage is a prerequisite for the formation and development of culture., with the language.The emergence of human culture, the development of culture has promoted the development of language.. human beingsCreating culture through the use of language, in turnCulture also affects human beings.To promote human progress.A language and culture have a lot of commonLanguage is a part of culture.