Guten Tag Ellie, vielen Dank für Ihre Mail. Leider habe ich mich doch für die Rücksendung entschieden. Bitte nach Eingang des Artikels bei Ihnen um Erstattung des Kaufpreises. Vielen Dank Anette Gelbhaar
Hello Ellie, thanks for your mail. Unfortunately I decided to return. Request upon receipt of the article with you to refund of the purchase price. Thank you Anette yellow hair
Good day Ellie, thank you for your mail. Unfortunately, I have yet decided on the return. Please following receipt of the article If you order a refund. Thanks Anette Gelbhaar
good day, ellie, thank you for your e-mail. unfortunately, i have decided to return. please, after receipt of the article with you to refund the purchase price. thank you dear gelbhaar