Normandy has a highly individual, well developed, and imaginative cuisine. It is unusual to find such cooking in a region that produces no wine, Possibly one explanation is the cider , which is drunk throughout the meal in Normandy like wine in other parts of France, providing through the juice of the apple the tasty liquid accompaniment to food provided elsewhere by the juice of the grape. Most Norman cider is not as sweet as American cider, but there are limitless varieties of it. The best comes from the Vallée d'Auge, and if you are ordering bottled cider, this is what you should ask for; but in most restaurants in Normandy cider is served lavishly in open carafes, and it is usually good enough, Sometimes it is put on the table whether you ask for it or not, like water, and there is no extra charge for the cider you drink with your meal This, sadly, is a custom much rarer today than before the Second World War.
Normandy has a highly individual, well developed, and imaginative cuisine. It is unusual to find such cooking in a region that produces no wine, Possibly one explanation is the cider , which is drunk throughout the meal in Normandy like wine in other parts of France, providing through the juice of the apple the tasty liquid accompaniment to food provided elsewhere by the juice of the grape. Most Norman cider is not as sweet as American cider, but there are limitless varieties of it. The best comes from the Vallée d'Auge, and if you are ordering bottled cider, this is what you should ask for; but in most restaurants in Normandy cider is served lavishly in open carafes, and it is usually good enough, Sometimes it is put on the table whether you ask for it or not, like water, and there is no extra charge for the cider you drink with your meal This, sadly, is a custom much rarer today than before the Second World War.