Further ReadingLearning in Three Dimensions: Report on the EDUCAUSE/HP Campus of the Future Projecteducau.se/eduhpcotfThis ECAR research report identifies innovative uses of and hurdles in implementing XR technology, and which XR technologies are most effective for achieving various learning goals.Augmented Reality in Education: A Meta-Review and Cross-Media Analysiseducau.se/sprngraimetaThis meta-analysis of research comparing AR versus non-AR applications identifies a list of positive and negative impacts of AR experiences on student learning, and factors that may cause them.VR and AR: Pioneering Technologies for 21st-Century Learningeducau.se/vrpioneerThis series of Transforming Higher Ed blog posts provides an in-depth exploration of VR and AR and their impacts on higher education. Authored by MR experts and educators Maya Georgieva and Emory Craig of Digital Bodies, the series includes topics such as immersive storytelling and journalism, STEM education, learning space design, and ethical challenges