The ÖffnungszeitenBuch is the largest directory for opening hours in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. Special:, anyone can join and make money with the sign of opening hours. For each opening time to report, you get points, which you can exchange in cash immediately. 50,000 hours detectors are currently registered. Already over 300,000 euros on the opening detector have been disbursed. The directory does exist in Germany since 2009 and now operates in 11 countries (DE, AT, CH, IT, FR, IT, TR, UK, PL, HU, United States).Description The Bannerline is aimed at new users who would earn hours sign and make money. You are played via our affiliate networks. We need the following banner sizes: 300 x 250; 160 x 600; 120 x 600; 780 x 90; 336 x 280; 250 x 250 The banner must be optimized not for Google AdWords, so somewhat larger in file size. The banner can be animated or static, it should be overloaded but in any case not with text. You must be interested in a very short time or even understand what it's about-> graphics or animations are better than lots of text. We want to use the banners in 11 countries. I.e. If necessary. used graphics must be used in each country.