upper-body clothing
An upper-body clothing or a top is a type of clothing that covers the upper human body from the neck to the waistline,especially that of women,Tops are sometimes as short as mid-torso,and as long as mid-thigh.Men's tops are generally paired with pants,and women's with pants or skirts.A top may be worn loose or tight around the bust or waist,nd mayhave sleeves or shoulder straps,spaghetti straps(noodle straps),or may be strapless.The back may be covered or bara.Some designers create tops with straps around the waist or neck,or over the shoulders.Commom types of tops are blouses and shirts.
kakahu i runga-tinana
He kakahu runga-tinana te tihi ranei ko te momo o te kakahu e hipokina te tinana tangata o runga i te kaki ki te waistline, rawa e o te wahine, he Tihi ētahi wā rite poto rite waenganui-utumu, a rite te roa rite waenganui kei te tikanga takirua tihi o -thigh.Men ki tarau, me nga wahine a ki tarau skirts.A runga ranei kia mau ai wewete raru ranei a tawhio noa te māhunga ranei hope, nd karekau mayhave pokohiwi ranei, pokohiwi te pākēti (pokohiwi kihu), ranei kia strapless kia hipokina .Ko hoki kia bara.Some kaihoahoa hanga tihi ki pokohiwi huri noa te hope kaki ranei, i runga i nga momo shoulders.Commom o tihi ranei he blouses me hāte ranei.