The room is comfortable and simple. A dimmer switch controls the two
lights. On the wall opposite the bed is a large clock with second hands.
There is a small cupboard for clothes, and a dressing table. On the wall
there are three hooks upon which hang a black gymshoe, a medium sized
paddle and a junior cane. An archway leads to a small room with a
shower, toilet and bidet at one end, a small fridge, cupboard, sink and
table at the other.
The room is comfortable and simple. A dimmer switch controls the twolights. On the wall opposite the bed is a large clock with second hands.There is a small cupboard for clothes, and a dressing table. On the wallthere are three hooks upon which hang a black gymshoe, a medium sizedpaddle and a junior cane. An archway leads to a small room with ashower, toilet and bidet at one end, a small fridge, cupboard, sink andtable at the other.