Nadaljevanka Gorski zdravnik predstavlja pustolovščine zdravnika in gorskega reševalca v idiličnih krajih avstrijskih Alp.
Serijo so začeli snemati leta 2008, Nemci in Avstrijci pa trenutno uživajo že v deveti sezoni zgodbe, ki govori o življenju tirolskega zdravnika dr. Martina Gruberja. 15 let je delal v New Yorku kot kirurg, nato pa prišel domov v Ellmau na mamin rojstni dan. A podeželje ni bilo tako lagodno in mirno, kot se ga je spominjal. Sreča se s smrtjo svakinje Sonje, ki je bila tudi njegova prva ljubezen, in nepričakovanim odkritjem, da ima 11-letno hčer. Zaradi spleta okoliščin se odloči, da bo prevzel ordinacijo ostarelega zdravnika dr. Melchingerja in skupaj z bratom Hansom pomagal pri reševanju tveganih nesreč v bližnjih gorah.
Mountain sitcom physician is the doctor adventures and mountain rescuer in the idyllic resorts of the Austrian Alps.
The series have started recording in 2008, the Germans and Austrians are currently already enjoy in the ninth season of the story, which talks about the life of Tyrolean physician Dr. Martin Gruber. 15 years he worked in New York as a surgeon, then come home in Ellmau on my mother's birthday. A countryside was not so leisurely and quiet, as it is remembered. Happiness is a death-in-law Sonja, who was his first love, and unexpected discovery that a 11-year-old daughter. Due to circumstances, decide to take the elderly doctor's surgery dr. Melchinger and together with his brother Hans assist in solving risk of accidents in the nearby mountains.
the doctor and the doctor show mountain is a mountain in the idyllic places the austrian alps.the series began filming in 2008, germans and austrians in the ninth season, and is currently enjoying the story, which is about the life tirolskega physician dr. martin gruber. for 15 years he worked in new york as a surgeon, and then came home in ellmau on my mother"s birthday. but the country was not so comfortable and quiet, as he remembers. luck with the death sonje sister-in-law, who was also his first love, and the unexpected discovery that the 11 year old daughter. the circumstance decides to take office old doctor dr. melchingerja and together with his brother hans helped in resolving the risk of accidents in the nearby mountains.