CFSI strongly encourages the use of CMRT 4.0 or later for the current reporting year, calendar year 2015. Suppliers responding to new requests should use the latest version, posted here. The form posted here has an up-to-date smelter list and corrected errors from the prior version. CMRT 4.01a (August 6, 2015)
CFSI does not store or distribute completed forms.
The CMRT 4.01a has no changes to any worksheet except the “Smelter Reference List” worksheet. Minor changes there will assist with accurate smelter identification. Note the following:
Elemetal CID changed to CID001322.
Blank spaces removed from four standard smelter names.
One deletion and a few additions, as described in the "Revisions" worksheet of the Standard Smelter List.
We welcome error reports, please contact us.