Just as you work on aerosol words (Ruby - อัญรินทร์ ธีราธนันพัฒน์.) of the pelvis, less meat low glad Prince pelvis, the father love. Repeated alleged that his mother is having an affair.Dust words live with JAONANG rainbow glass (rain - daughter. The most proficient Chai) sister aged apart many years worth of town is not in good Royal as you work, etc. There is only you know the sky (Title - nimtaisuk).But the love of this work is being bullied and hinder Egyptologists goodies from JAONANG pin city (straightforwardly - ชวัลกร Wan พิสิฐกุล) who falls in love with you know heaven as well.Eventually JAONANG pin City succeeded. Do you know the sky fascinated by mysticism and the more hate JAONANG dust words until the end. The pelvis is attacked by a Western bridge for which a fire as a deadly weapon.The sacred sword double pelvis fight with guns. This decision left the dust ghost ghost grandfather grandma with that ancestor't help myself. Was going to buy the family to raise the ghost You don't like rainbow glass works was not interested.But the ghost you spray words with rainbow glass to evacuate flee with cargo ships from Siam during the journey itself, the merchant was offended dust words. The ghost you deal with the merchant and the host completely.The reign of 7 dust words with rainbow glass becomes a socialite who It was a very good position in beauty, but was a ghost you tackle to death all of this makeover (give - this ลีฬ. โสตถิ days WONG), which lost.Tried to tell anyone. That dust is an ogre, but no one believes and chat (AOF - for skill development region 5 ratification.) his brother back หลงรักละออง words rainbow glass please dust words lose respect for ghost but was attacked and fatally until the need to live with a bowIsarangkul m) at which this temple's father was ordained as a monk in the chat, chat, look for opportunities very smooth father and to dust words frequently. Chat love dust words. Each ong words back forget you flat.On the wedding day that rainbow glass with classical Her lover had slipped into the dust words the ghost you under the base. Dust good glad away from the power of the ghost you. But you still dream of plain blue., but only a ghost you out with my knowledge of the madman in the church. Revenge of the ghost you tackle record until sairung glass sad lovers die. The nuns will pity brought moved to the forest templeChat request dust prey to sacrifice ghost word stop you, if wants to kill him instead. Dust words realize love chat on their But I suffer the ghost you do not themselves. It started hurting chat between them.(the bird - social วัฒฐานะ.) their daughters to give Royal grandfather at the temple. Luang Pu contact up to take you away. A send angel with friends in England. Her parents were killed, as well as ghoulish ghost you chat.A married a millionaire, but infinite big wedding soon died. She has lived Kasem, the son that was a widower and go into the real estate business to a national level
.Several years later, word dust in the house be in line with alone and hunts when hungry. The rate of ปสร married พรวุฒิ. Both want to go back to Thailand Angel mom came to dust words.Angel doesn't escape from the house, be in line with. The ghost you angry words and aerosol kill to death and leave the spots on black cat which is molding housings Ya
.Then kill พรวุฒิ died. But when he attacked angel was astral body of rainbow glass comes to the rescue. Angel back to England and ran a news said people to hear the angel is the son of Ghoul dust words.(Ruby - อัญรินทร์ ธีราธนันพัฒน์.) the only daughter alone. When the divine magic a big girl falling in love with merit latch (Title - nimtaisuk) young engineers Thai both want to get married at the timeBut they wouldn't listen so everyone evacuate to Thailand
.Aerosol number would ask angel is the heir to a ghoul. But the angel heart ogre ghost Ye change target mantra tip the daughter. Face beautiful ah of merit engraved like divine magic, because want to watch gift KEM (pinky - Kawin ธำ. Straight state include).KEM watch is the daughter of the future. The man who was in love with in the past, face pink face stirred up the other pink (fat teacher - มณีนุช เสมรสุต.), the mother of merit latch to hate magic D And also that information is the daughter of angel, which has as a ghoul.But with love. Stable make merit engraved stubborn and received divine. To stay in the house. Angel don't discourage because want to divine magic Have no idea about this ogre dust words. Come on. Watch at KEM divine magic on a regular basis.Is a sweet and amiable, which receive money from the KEM. Watch for watch and report their constantly, it is the only food (Napa) middle-aged maid hongsakula poor divine magic and to prevent the two maids do
.Frank, a close friend of merit engraved interior designers know merit and divine magic engraving in England. He fell in love with the divine magic, but was at the divine magic is married to merit the latch. Also help encourage always.The divine magic?