L"OREAL gave me the first impression is open, the performance in the following three points:1 may be because of the factory"s sake, there is no code dress, wearing slippers to go to work.2 followed by the public to be able to enter the public disk, the intern did not set permissions, information sharing.3 the atmosphere is very good, everyone is very good, you ask the question always has a very detailed answer, as long as want to learn there will be a great harvest.Second, there is no legend of the high pressure of foreign companies.When the super colleagues work seriously, you relax in the chat, a degree of relaxation.The whole department ten, only two or three men is more than an hour to work overtime every day, others are basically to leave.Third, employees generally longer length of service, happiness seems to be very high.In our up, most people are working more than eight years, more than ten years are not in a few.Will be proud of L"OREAL.Fourth, super good!We internship for a month to catch up with the two hair benefits, all kinds of Shampoo Conditioner, Yuesai L"OREAL skin care products, and almost every employee has, including outsourcing and practice.Listen to colleagues said that L"OREAL does not worry about the use of skin care products, simply do not end, there will be too many to send not out of distress HHHThe official salary is absolutely impressive, it is said that there are more than ten days of annual leave, each company will reimburse the collective travel 2K