Roxanne took all separated parts apart and mixed them as if they were cards.
“And Maria? Still alive?”
“I think so. I’m feeling a bit dizzy, but this may because my head is split in two halves! Hahaha.”, Maria said, although her head was not in one part, so her voice came out of two different boxes.
The one with her left half and the one with her right half.
“Yep. I agree that this possibly the fact.”
After mixing the boxes, Roxanne put them together again but in a complete wrong order.
“You look like a masterpiece from Picasso now. But how can I get you in one piece again? Would you mind staying in this form?”
“Yes, I would!”
“Really? Damn, well I have an idea.”
Together with Fantasy, Roxanne removed all plates, which separated the boxes. So Marias body parts were attached on places, where they shouldn’t be.
Again Roxanne attached the tube from before to one of the pieces.
“Maria? Do you like it hot?”
“Um, not really?”
“Well, bad for you.”
Roxanne spread her arms, so that the inner sides of her hands were facing the conglomerate of body parts. Everyone could feel the heat, which came out of them.
The wax began to melt and with it, also Marias body parts seem to melt, as if they were out of wax.
The pink substance was sucked into the tube.
“Problem solved!”
The calm music, was playing the whole time stopped, the stage lights went on completely and the people started to clap.