亞迪財務顧問有限公司 薪資暨休假規章壹、薪資規定:一、為訂定亞迪財務顧問有限公司(以下稱本公司)發薪規定,特立此規章。 二、本公司員工發薪日的中文翻譯

亞迪財務顧問有限公司 薪資暨休假規章壹、薪資規定:一、為訂定亞迪財務顧

亞迪財務顧問有限公司 薪資暨休假規章


原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
亚迪财务顾问有限公司 薪资暨休假规章壹、薪资规定:一、为订定亚迪财务顾问有限公司(以下称本公司)发薪规定,特立此规章。 二、本公司员工发薪日订为次月5日发薪,如遇假日及连续假日,本公司将提前发放。三、本公司所属员工,上班时间为上午0900时至1800时,中间午餐时间1小时,故上班时间共8小时。四、有关员工薪资结构如后(细目如薪资条,附件1): (一)、基本薪资:依各职掌业务区分,发放各业务之薪饷。 (二)、全勤奖金:计三百元整。 (四)、特别奖金:含三节奖金及年终奖金,不定时发放(不列计在每月薪资内)。 (五)、加班津贴:如逾下班时间一小时(如1800时下班,1900时开始起算)始起算加班,每加班一小时,依每日基本薪资换算时薪后,乘1.3倍计算,始算加班津贴。 (六)、交通(住宿)津贴:本公司外派员工处理公事者,依所持单据办理实报实销,并由次月发薪时补贴该津贴。 (七)、外调津贴:本公司外派员工至外地(含国外)者,依所职掌之职务,加发外调津贴。五、本公司所属员工之劳健保给付,区分二部分:(一)、公司负担:由本公司负责缴纳。(二)、个人给付部分:将于发薪日自动扣除。(三)、本公司将依当年度劳动部劳工保险局全球信息网所公布之「劳健保级距及分摊表」,投保每位员工办理劳健保申请,并依「劳动部劳工保险局保险费缴款单」办理个人部分扣除事宜。六、有关全勤奖金、绩效奖金及特别奖金制度,说明如后: (一)、全勤奖金:依当月上班打卡记录算计,员工需准时上班,如有迟到者,罚则如后:1、迟到十分钟内,员工将有三次免责记录,不予计算迟到。2、当月如超过十分钟者,或当月第四次于十分钟内再迟到者,每次将扣除新台币三百元整,扣除部分由全勤奖金先行扣除,如超过者,另由基本薪资续扣之。 (二)、绩效奖金: 各所属主管每月依每位员工工作情况进行评比,评比标准如后,依80分为最低标准,如低于80分考,将依比例予以扣除绩效奖金(例:当月绩效如60分者,计算方式如下:60/80*3000元=2250元)。(三)、特别奖金: 依国内节庆(三节、年终奖金等)及每位员工工作态度及工作职掌情形,不定时发放,本奖金不列入每月薪资内算计。贰、休假规定一、事假:(一)、请假事由:有事必须亲自处理、无法于假日办理时。(二)、请假天数:一年合计不得超过14天。(三)、事假期间无工资。二、病假:(一)、请假事由:因普通伤害、疾病或生理原因须治疗或休养。 女性生理假部分,依性别工作平等法第14条规定,女性受雇者因生理日致工作有困难者,每月得请生理假1日,全年请假日数未逾3日,不并入病假计算,其余日数并入病假计算。(二)、请假天数: 1、未住院者,一年合计不得超过30天。 2、住院者,二年不得超过1年。 3、未住院+住院的病假,二年合计不得超过1年。(三)、劳工普通伤病假超过上述第二项规定之期限,经以事假或特别休假抵充后仍未痊愈者,得予留职停薪;但留职停薪期间以一年为限。病假若是属于一年未超过30天的部份,工资折半发给,员工需检附当日病假之证明文件做为申请依据。三、婚假:劳工结婚者给予婚假八日,工资照给;员工需于办理结婚登记后三个月内提出申请。 四、丧假: (一)、父母(含养、继父母)、配偶丧亡,丧假8天,工资照给。 (二)、祖父母(含外祖父母)、子女、配偶之父母(含养、继父母)丧亡,丧假6天,工资照给。(三)、兄弟姐妹、配偶之祖父母丧亡,丧假3天,工资照给。(四)、丧假可分次给假,于百日内申请完毕,并需交附讣闻。五、特休:(一)、在同一单位,工作满一定期间,每年应给予特别休假。(二)、特休請假天數規定如后:1、工作滿1~3年內,給予7天。2、工作滿3~5年內,給予10天。3、工作滿5~10年內,給予14天。4、工作10年以上,每增一年加給1天,最多給至30天為止。 (三)、特休期間,工資照給;若當年度特休未休之日數,本公司將依基本薪資給予日薪資;另如該員工已離職,將依年特休比例給予員工日薪資。六、產假:(一)、請假規定如后:1、一般分娩,可申請60日之產假。2、懷孕3個月以上不幸流產,4星期假。3、懷孕2~3個月內流產,1星期假。4、懷孕不滿2個月內流產,5天假。5、生產前乙個月前可申請60日產假;另產檢假每月可申請乙次,申請期間不扣薪資。(二)、懷孕之婦女無論已婚或未婚,本公司均給予產假。(三)、產假期間,若是工作滿六個月者,休假期間工資照給;工作未滿六個月者,休假期間工資折半發給。七、陪產假:(一)、請假事由:本公司員工於配偶分娩時,公司給予陪產假。(二)、請假天數:6天。(三)、請假時間應在分娩當日前後2~5天內,選其中6天請陪產假,若遇到國定假日或例假,則包含在內,不另計假。八、公假: 本公司依實際狀況給予公假、公假期間則工資照給。九、员工如有请事假及病假者,每请乙次将由全勤奖金中扣除新台币500元整,如超过全勤奖金者,另由基本薪资续扣之。十、有关公司请假,需于请假三日内申请,并由本公司授权人批核后,始可办理程序;有关请假单详如附件2。十一、员工如离职,需填写「离职证明书」(详如附件3),公司将依员工正式离职日期,依工作日给予薪饷,有关离职需提前申请并办理交接事宜,有关提前申请天数如后: (一)员工任职未满二个月(试用期)即离职:需于5日前提出申请。 (二)员工任职未满一年即离职:需于10日前提出申请。 (三)员工任职达一年以上离职者:需于20日前提出申请。十二、有关上述规定,如有不符公司实况者,本公司有权予以修正,并公告之。(本页以下空白)
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
Yadi Financial Advisory Co., Ltd. salary and vacation rules one

, pay regulation:
A, to formulate Yadi Financial Advisory Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the company) payday regulations witnesses the regulations.
two, the company's staff pay day set to 5 days of paid, such as the case of holiday and continuous holiday, the company will be issued in advance.
three, the company belongs to employees, working hours for the morning 0900 am to 1800 PM, the middle of the lunch time is 1 hours, so the work time is 8 hours.
4, the employee 's salary structure as (breakdown such as salary, see Annex 1):
(a), basic salary: according to the duties of the business to distinguish, issuing the salaries of.
(two), attendance bonus: of three hundred yuan.
(four), special bonus: three bonus and annual bonus, not regularly paid (not listed in the monthly salary).
(5), overtime allowance, such as more than a time to work an hour (such as 1800 work, 1900 shall commence) began counting overtime, each overtime hours, according to the conversion of daily basic salary pay, by 1.3 times calculation, started to calculate the overtime allowance.
(6), traffic (accommodation) allowance: the company expatriates official who, according to documents for reimbursement and by next month payday when the subsidy allowance.
(seven), transfer allowance:The company assigned staff to the field (including overseas), according to his duties, plus transfer allowance. Five, the company belongs to the workers of the labor health insurance benefits, to distinguish between the two parts:
(a), the company's burden: the company is responsible for the payment.
(two), the individual pays part: will be automatically deducted from the pay day.
(3), the company will in accordance with the global information network of annual Labor Department of labor insurance bureau published "Lao Jian relegation distance and apportion" insurance for every employee for labor insurance application, and in accordance with the "Labor Department Bureau of labor insurance premium payment bills" for some personal matters deduction.
six, the attendance bonus,Performance bonus and a special bonus system, such as:
(a), full attendence award:
according to the month work clock in calculating, employee is required to work on time, if late, penalties such as:
1, late ten minutes, the employee will have three exemption records, not calculate late.
2, the same month such as more than 10 minutes or month for the fourth time in ten minutes again late, every time will be deducted from NT $300 yuan, deduct part by full attendence award first deducted, such as over, on the other by the basic salary continued buckle.
(two), performance bonus:
's monthly appraisal according to each employee in charge of the work, such as post evaluation standards,According to 80 points for the lowest standards, such as low for 80 points, will be deducted from the proportion of performance bonus (case: the month performance as 60 points, the calculation method is as follows: 60/80*3000 yuan =2250 yuan).
(3), special bonus:
according to domestic Festival (third quarter, year-end bonuses, etc.) and each employee's work attitude and work duties circumstances, from time to time release, the bonus is not included in the monthly salary calculation. Second, leave provisions a

, leave: (a), for reasons: something must personally handle to apply when the holiday.
(two), the number of days of leave: a total of not more than 14 days a year.
(three), no pay leave during the period.
two, sick leave:
(1), leave cause:
because of ordinary injury, disease or physiological reasons to be treated or rest. Female menstrual leave part, in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of the gender equality in employment, women employees because of physiology, caused by hard work a month please physiological false 1, annual leave days less than 3 days, not incorporated into the sick leave, the remaining number of days incorporated as sick leave.
(two), the number of days of leave:
1, not hospitalized, a total of not more than 30 days a year.
2, the hospital, two years shall not exceed 1 years.
3, not hospitalized sick leave, two years total not more than 1 years.
(three), and the duration of the above mentioned second provisions of the general medical injury,To leave or special leave after the offset has not recovered, to leave without pay; but during the year.
sick if belong to one year does not exceed 30 days, send salary binary, staff are required enclose day sick leave certificate as a basis for application.
3, marriage:
labor married give marriage leave on the 8th, pay according to; employee is required to in the marriage registration for three months after the application. Four

, funeral leave: (a), parents (including raising, parents, spouse bereavement), leave 8 days, pay.
(two), grandparents (including grandparents, parents and children), the spouse (including raising, following bereavement leave 6 days, parents),Pay according to.
(three), brothers and sisters, grandparents of spouse bereavement, leave 3 days, pay.
(four), can be divided into funeral leave, in the hundred days of the application, and need to pay with a. Five

, special: (a), in the same unit, working over a certain period, every year should be given special leave.
(two), special leave days regulations such as:
1, work for 1 to 3 years, 7 days.
2, working with 3 to 5 years, giving 10 days.
3, working with 5 to 10 years, giving 14 days.
4, work for more than 10 years, plus 1 days per year, up to 30 days.
(three), special period, pay;If when the number of annual paid vacation time did not break, and the company will be in accordance with the basic salary given salary day; others, such as the employee has to leave, according to the proportion of annual paid vacation time give on the salary of the employee.
six, maternity leave:
(a), leave the following provisions such as:
1, general labor, can apply for 60 days of maternity leave.
2, 3 months pregnant unfortunately, 4 weeks off.
3, 2 to 3 months of pregnancy, abortion, 1 weeks off.
4, pregnancy, abortion within 2 months, 5 days off.
5, production before a month can apply for 60 days of maternity leave; the other is to produce a false monthly can apply for a second, the application is not deducted wages.
(two), the pregnant woman, whether married or unmarried, the company is given maternity leave.
(3), during maternity leave, if the work is full six months, vacation pay according to; to work full six months, during the vacation wage binary issued.
seven, with maternity leave:
(a), leave cause: the company employees in the spouse, the company to accompany maternity leave.
(two), leave days: 6 days.
(3), leave time should be in before and after the date of delivery 2 ~ 5 days the 6 days please paternity leave, if meet the national holiday or vacation, are included, not another false.
eight, public holidays: according to the actual condition of the company. During the holiday, give the public pay.
nine, as employees leave and sick leave,Every time please B will be deducted from the attendance bonus of NT 500, such as exceeding attendance bonus, the other by the basic salary deduction continued.
ten, the relevant company leave, need to apply for leave three days, and after the company authorized person approved by the nuclear, can handle procedures; the leave alone, such as annex 2.
11, staff such as turnover, the need to fill out "turnover Certificate (details such as Annex 3), the company will according to staff official termination date, according to the working days give salaries and relevant must leave to apply for early and for matters relating to the transfer, advance the application such as the number of days after the:
(a) staff serving under two months probation period) leaving: need for 5 days prior to the application.
(two) the employee has not left the office for one year or one year, and it is required to apply for the application in 10 days.
(three) for more than a year of staff turnover: 20 days to apply for.
twelve, the company shall have the right to amend the relevant provisions of the above provisions, if there is any discrepancy between the company's actual situation, and the announcement of the.

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