Settler growth
Settler radial growth was significantly affected by level of copper exposure, rudiment size and larval size (Table 3.5b). Model fit was excellent, with 93% of the variation in growth explained. Copper level accounted for most of the explained variation (71%),with settler growth from larvae exposed to the High copper level being strongly suppressed (Coefficients contrasts: t = -9.82, p < 0.001). Indeed settlers that had been exposed as larvae to the High copper treatment were 24% smaller at 25 d than at 8 d post-settlement (778 μm ± 95 at 8 d vs 594 μm ± 93 at 25 d). In contrast, control groups had an average growth of 6% ± 5 (Figure 3.3a). Consequently, settlers from the High treatment were significantly smaller than controls by 25 d (594 μm ± 93 in High level, 768 μm ± 95 in controls; Coefficient contrasts: t = -9.88, df = 30, p