My beloved and dear Chove, my dear, I would like to apologize, too late to respond to your e-mail, do not create the opportunity to chat with you, because I am very busy with my duties and conflict and crisis is here to keep me busy is good a. So, my dear, how do you want a great day there, in fact, I know this looks like a shock, but only God knows the truth, for the commanders and the most senior military officer, I swear, and the oath to serve and protect the interests of Now we are both a good citizen in the world, I want to do. As I told you before that money is guaranteed, my dear, I do not have much to tell you all this, you have to do for me is to save money, until I went there because I trust you quickly Taiwan so much In my life, I firmly believe that you can take good care of my fund, so I come less than two months now. My dear everything okay with assurance certificate. Examples of all these certificates will give you as long as international diplomats over there in your country in your home address and your hand in the box and a letter, you will become a bank savings box, so you will not have any problems any good . The money is in your home address, you will be provided by international diplomats to like check boxes in your country, it should non_inspection coming from around the world. And all this will give you a certificate diplomats; 1. International Money Laundering certificate 2. proof source of funds (money), and receive pay taxes. 3. Letter management C1 and C2. So, dear, you need not worry about any risk of side, you improve and my own, because your percentage also to internal and our lives there will soon be all right dear I give you my assurance that all this is risk and I do so because the crisis and conflict level here, and now I know that it will have a lot of our stuff, sometimes it comes, because in less than two months when I will finish my work here, as a soldier I have to find a safe place, I choose your country, that's why I pick you trust and credibility as a woman in my life, I am confident that you can handle my fund, anxiety and fear God too . Please dear, I just want you to promise me you will not leave my money, as long as international diplomats hand, you check the box? I have built my trust you, because I love and trust you with all my heart, I believe God will help us in this successful transaction, until I come over there okay. Dear Let this be a secret between me, you and that is why I want to ask you a question before I could air my secret you okay. My dear, I believe you so much, my future partner, I promise you, everything will go well, when you receive the money, you can hire a bank safe deposit box, and put it in the bank's safe deposit box, no one I will ask you any questions you begin to prepare my future where better soon. Take care of your self, but my dear, if you think you can not help me good. I must continue my duty, and now I am waiting for your reply and your complete information. Captain Augustine!